Adult Ministries



Adult Sunday School Classes
Grace has three wonderful adult Sunday School classes: The Clyburn Whitener Class, the Upper Room Class, and the Young Adult Class. The Clyburn Whitener Class and the Upper Room Class both have class members who rotate teaching lessons using the Cokesbury Adult Bible Series curriculum. The Young Adult Class curriculum is determined by class member suggestions, including video lessons from various sources and much discussion from class members. It is taught by Bob and Fran Love. All four classes welcome all adults!


Young Adult Sunday School Class

This class consists of adults, both men and women, of all ages. The curriculum is determined by class member ideas and suggestions, including the use of video lessons from various sources. The format of the class is often an open discussion where all members contribute different ideas. The class meets Sunday mornings at 10:00am in the Church Parlor. The Young Adult Class supports several projects within the church, including Secret Santa and the Salkahatchie project.


Upper Room Sunday School Class

The Upper Room Sunday School class is a group of adults who meet in one of the parlors off of the sanctuary and use the Upper Room curriculum to aid them in their studies.



Clyburn Whitener Sunday School Class

This class consists of men and women and meets in the Clyburn Whitener classroom located on the main floor of the Education Building, last room on the left.  Four class members rotate teaching lessons using the Cokesbury Adult Bible Series curriculum. This class assists with church dinners, the Salkahatchie project, and Potter’s House food bank.  The Sunday school group enjoys trips to concerts and dining out together.