Outreach is perhaps the most important aspect of the Church. At Grace, we have several avenues of organized outreach ministries which serve as an example of Christ's love and hospitality in our community. If you are interested in serving on any of the groups mentioned below, please reach out to us and we will put you in contact with them.
"The Church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members."
-William Temple, 98th Archbishop of Canterbury
Secret Santa- families in need across Union County receive assistance with Christmas gifts for children. Lead contacts for this ministry are Brad and Brook Valentine.
White Christmas- families in need across Union County receive food baskets during the holiday season. Lead contact: Sally Palmer and Glenn and Karen Hibbard
Care Group- church and community members are remembered with cards and personal contacts/visits. Lead contact is Frances Adams.
Lenten Services- during Lenten season Grace hosts pastors each Wednesday from local churches to provide a brief worship service including music that often includes guest soloists. A meal provided by the women of the church follows each service. Lead contact: Judy Caston and Mimi Charles
Neighbor Helping Neighbor- Grace members participate in a community effort to s assist neighbors who with repairs to their homes. Lead contact: David Turner
Salkehatchie- Grace supports Salkehatchie week in June when young adults come together for a week of help and fellowship. Neighbors in need receive assistance to repairs to their homes.
Epworth Children’s Home- Grace provides financial support to Epworth
Boy Scouts-Troop # 49 meets weekly at Grace under the direction of Brad Woods.
Judd’s Legacy- Grace supports the on-going efforts of Judd's Legacy, a non profit organization that raises awareness of Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy. Allison and Brandon Gardner lost their precious son Judd to complications of ICP. Their efforts to raise awareness and provide testing will save the lives of many children in South Carolina and hopefully the entire U.S.
Meals on Wheels- Grace currently contributes $250 quarterly to support Meals on Wheels
Heartland and Ellen Sagar - Grace provides support to local nursing homes and assisted living site including donations for Bingo prizes and items requested for individuals as needed.
Blessing Boxes- Grace provides two Blessing Boxes near the church to offer food and hygiene items to community members in need.