Delivered By
From Pastor Lee
Delivered On
May 30, 2024

So much seems to be changing like never before since our last newsletter. Last month I wrote prior to the General Conference of the UMC had begun. Now it has concluded with major revisions in our Book of Discipline. There is too much information to address in this piece. If you’re like me, I see friends of mine posting “wisdom” quotations from other folks that either show great support or great disdain for what has and is happening within our denomination. These quotations are the type that may cause you to pause and think about it from that individual’s perspective if we are willing to pause long enough to do so. I also recently heard from a loved one who attends another United Methodist church. This individual shared with me how the pastor had a meeting following General Conference to share information. The pastor is all in with the changes and read from the book of Acts, chapter 15. If I remember correctly, it was Acts 15:12–21. He used this passage to defend the changes that are taking place within our denomination. I urge you to go and read this passage for yourself. Basically, the pastor was using the example of how the early church, after much debate, understood that God desired for the Gentiles to be a part of the church, which at the earliest days was primarily Jewish.

This morning as I had already planned to write something for our newsletter, I was surprised to discover my morning devotional for today used and spoke to this same passage of scripture. Let me say that his stance is quite the opposite from the pastor I mentioned above. The devotional writer is also Methodist. He pointed out that like the early church in Acts 15, the church today is in the throes of another such controversy. The writer of the devotion goes on to say the controversy we face today is masked or disguised by something that it really isn’t about. It seems that many think it is about human sexuality and gender. What is at stake is not about those issues but how the Bible is read, understood, and appropriated. If you read this passage thoroughly you will see James is asking the council to interpret Scripture by or with Scripture. Scripture must be interpreted primarily by Scripture. Further, the devotion writer went on to say that the young church had to make a very difficult decision, one in which they decided to depart from a long-established practice. However, they did so because of a longer established truth. They looked to the Word of God. Today, as we find ourselves in a similar position, let us carefully listen for God’s voice as we look to Scripture to guide us. I also ask that we all continue to be in prayer for each other and the Church in general.

Love, Pastor Lee