Sonshiners/MCF/Confirmation Class
Our last meeting for Sonshiners/MCF/MYF was Sunday, April 30. We want to thank all teachers, meal planners, and especially our children/youth and their parents for their support and participation. We will resume our meetings in the fall. Blessings to each member of this wonderful program.
New Pre-K Sunday School Class
We now have a new Sunday School Class beginning for children ages 3-5. Everyone is excited about this new class. Students will hear Bible Stories and experience God's work, along with doing hands-on crafts to go along with the story. The class will be located upstairs in the Education Building. Please bring your child, as we can't wait for this exciting day!
Fun Day with the Bible
Praise Report!
We are delighted to report that 16-17 children have been attending our Sunday evening children’s ministries! Let’s remember to continue to invite our friends! Thanks to parents, disciple makers, and support from our members for their help in striving to make Deuteronomy 11:19 a reality. “Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up."