Pastor Lee Phillips
February 1, 2022
Sharing the LIght of Christ
Several years ago, I found myself, alone, standing in the sanctuary in front of the banners of saints who were once members of that congregation. There were many names listed on them of people I had never met but had heard stories about from their loved ones in the congregation. There were also those who I got to know personally before they passed from this life to God’s presence. As I read through the names of the individuals, I was reminded how unique and precious each person was to that congregation, their family and to God. I am grateful to God for both, those I meet before they die from this life and for those I have never met yet hear and see them living on in some of you and in the life of Grace UMC.
Each of us has something to offer in our own way to the body of Christ. I am thankful to you for allowing Vickie and me to be a part of your lives these past several months. In getting to know you I have discovered that our congregation is made up of individuals who truly care about people. This is what our community and the world need as we continue to live in a world that seems to be growing more and more chaotic. Maybe, one good thing about much of the chaos and uncertainty we see in the world around us is that it can remind us that our security cannot be found within ourselves or with any human entity. Real, lasting security can only be found in Jesus Christ. Paul reminds us of this in his letter to the church at Rome as he says, “nothing can separate us from the love of God.” His list of things we fear will destroy us and keep us from God’s love include hardship, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, death, life, angels, rulers, things present, things to come, powers, height, and depth. Paul is saying that though the world around us may falling apart, we can trust God to be with us and to take care of us. This is a message the world needs to hear, one the people living in our own community need. It is one that you and I are called upon to share in our own unique ways. Archbishop William Temple is quoted as saying, “The church is the only organization on earth that exist for those who are not its members.” For us to share the light of Christ’s love with others, we must be willing to go into the darkness. As I continue to be in ministry with you, I hope and pray that we will continue to seek out ways to carry the light of Christ to our neighbors who live in darkness of fear and hardship.
Pastor Lee