Welcome to Grace United Methodist Church,

Union South Carolina

201 South Church Street

Contact Us at 864-427-1266 or mail@graceunion.org


Welcome to Grace…a loving family inviting everyone to come & experience God’s love fresh & new. Join us and let’s share the gospel in life as we serve our community.


To love God completely and to serve Jesus Christ unselfishly


Grace is a Safe Sanctuary Church

If Everyone at Grace Served Like Me, What Kind of Church Would This Church Be?


Looking ahead at GREAT THINGS FOR GRACE!

Please let the church office know if you ever need transportation to an event!


Service Helpers in September 2024- THANK YOU!

ALTAR GUILD: Anita Maness, Dawn Fallaw, and Melodi Gault

USHERS: Charlie Kelly, Brandon Gardner, Patrick Lowe Allen Owens, and Jeff VanNortwick

NURSERY: Sunday School Worship Service:

Sept. 1 Nancy Kennedy Jan Thompson

Sept. 8 Pat Owens Susan Cunningham

Sept. 15 Vickie Phillips Allison Gardner

Sept. 22 Anita Maness and Sally Hunter Lisbeth Kelly

Sept. 29 Nancy Kennedy Brooke Valentine


Grace’s Sunday School Classes  

Children’s Class - Children’s Room 

Adult’s Class - Clyburn/Whitener Classroom 

Fellowship Class - Conference Room

All of the classes start at 9:45 am and are led by members of Grace who give of their time and talents to teach us about the word of God. The youngest class even gets a treat and drink while learning a valuable lesson. Bob Love, Larry Goff, Allan Charles, Pastor Lee Phillips, and Leroy Kennedy focus on teaching all aspects about being a Christian in the adult classes. We hope you will join us in one of these meaningful class


Chancel Choir Rehearsals Resume September 4, 2024

Bells of Grace resume practice on Sunday, September 22 at 6:15 pm.


New Church Directory Almost Ready!

The new directory is almost ready. There are still some pictures that are needed. Last month I included the entire list. If your name was on it, please consider sending us a copy via e-mail at mail@graceunion.org or bringing one by the office. All actual photographs will be returned to you. Thank you so much for your help and consideration.


Wednesday Night Family Supper on September 25th

 Every 4th Wednesday of each month we will gather together for a Wednesday Night Supper at 6:00 pm. The next supper is scheduled for September 25. Group #4 is hosting and will provide the meat, rolls, and tea. They will also set-up the Fellowship Hall, wash utensils, dishes, etc., and clean-up the Fellowship Hall and kitchen. Just bring a side dish and/or dessert when you come and enjoy the fellowship, great food, and good times. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to get together with friends and family.

Group #4: Allen and Pat Owens, Doug and Freada Rinaca, Marilyn Stoddard, Sally Summers, Glenn and Karen Hibbard


Back with a Splash was a Huge Success!

A wonderful time was had by all at the annual Back with a Splash event.  The Grace family and many friends were invited: adults, children, grandchildren, friends, and family members!! People brought their own lawn chairs  towels, and change of clothing/sandals (mainly kids)!! There was a GIANT inflatable water slide, bubbles galore, water balloon throwing, a dunking chair station  a water balloon batting station, disc golf, and corn hole toss. Hamburgers were grilled by the Arnold Boys with all the fixin’s, homemade ice cream, drinks, chips, etc. all provided for our  tummy’s pleasure!  MANY thanks to all who worked so hard to make this event so special for so many!


September Neighborhood Dinner

The Neighborhood Supper is on the last Thursday of each month. This month it will be held on September 26, 2024, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. When sign-up sheets are passed on the two Sundays before, think about what you can do to help. 


Rockers for Christ resumed on September 10th

Rockers For Christ resumed on Tuesday, September 10, at 10:00 am. Rockers is for our senior members of Grace and friends. A brunch will be prepared and served by Judy Caston, Mimi Charles, and their crew. Wayne Damron, a Numismatist, that holds classes on the coins of the Bible, was our guest speaker. This is a great opportunity to get together, socialize, listen to speakers, play games, and enjoy a light meal. If you feel as if you have had nothing oriented for you at the church, this is your chance. Sign-up sheets are available through the Junior Ushers during the Worship Service or please call the church office.


Christian Education Day

Christian Education Day was held Sunday, August 18, which gives us an opportunity to show our appreciation for GUMC Christian educators and Union County educators as well as to recognize our three rising third graders: Abby Moore, Ben Williams, and Thomas Lawson. Pastor Lee presented each one with a Bible. We pray these Bibles will stay with them for years to come and give them comfort and assurance as they read them. We also had a Back to School Blessing of the Bookbags by Pastor Lee. We invited everyone in any educational capacity - preschool to graduate school, school employees, or board members to please bring their book bag, backpack, or briefcase, etc. and many came to the altar when called to be blessed by Pastor Lee.


Salkehatchie’s Union Camp June 15 - June 22, 2024 was a huge success!

“Changing the Lives of Our Youth For the Better!


Grace UMC Welcomes New Members! Sunday, May 19, 2024 During the worship service, Grace received into membership Michael Buddington, husband of Kim Haney Buddington (member), and Patrick Lowe. Grace welcomes both into our family at Grace.



On Sunday, May 26th, for our Memorial Weekend Service, the gospel group SPLIT RAIL performed the Prelude, Call to Worship, Special Music, and Offertory in place of Tommy Bishop and the Chancel Choir. Their blend of guitar, banjo, bass, violin, and mandolin filled the air mixed with the harmonizing singing of the group. Special thanks go to Bob Love, Philip Arnold, Stanley Elgin, Greg Farmer, and Perry Crocker, SPLIT RAIL members, for the beautiful music they performed. We at Grace sure do thank them for their time and talents! 



Hearing Assistance –

“LOOP” hearing devices are available from the ushers for those who need assistance in hearing the service better. They are located at the narthex entrance. Please Note – We video the Worship Service to Facebook and events are videoed and/or pictures are taken for future use. If you are uncomfortable with being in a video or snapshot, please take the proper precautions so you will not be seen. Thank you for your consideration.

Graduate Sunday -

Grace observed Graduate Sunday on May 19, 2024, during the worship service. We are so proud of our graduates!


Alexander “Alex” Wagner  

Graduating From: Union County High School

Attending: Clemson University To Major In: Engineering

Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 12:10 (NIV) 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 


Jacob “Jake” C. Glenn

Graduating From: Union County High School

Attending: Clemson University To Major In: Bioengineering

Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:11 (NLT) 11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.


Katherine “Katie” Wagner

Graduating From: Lander University’s Wiliam Preston Turner School of Nursing

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 


Grayson Edward Fallaw 

Graduating From: Duke Divinity School Degree: Masters of Divinity

Will Serve In: Johnsonville, SC, Florence

District, South Carolina Conference UMC

Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 15:4 (NIV) For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.


Patrick Lowe 

Graduate Of: Liberty University

Degree: Doctorate in Education

Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


Vacation Bible School: Camp Firelight - Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church


Sonshiners/MCF “End of Year Pool Party”

Our children thoroughly enjoyed an End-of-Year Swim and Pool Party Celebration on Sunday afternoon, May 19, 2024, at Fran and Bob Love’s house. The kids had lots of fun swimming in the pool and playing pool games. They also enjoyed a delicious pizza supper with ice cream sandwiches. Many thanks to both Bob and Fran for being such gracious hosts.


New Sunday School Class Started February 25th!

Grace has started a "Fellowship Sunday School Class" soon!  The class will meet in the Conference Room Building across from the Pastor's office in the Educational Building.  Class will start at 9:45am with family refreshments.  Kids will stay with the class until 10:00am, then go to their Sunday School classes. This class will be more informal, with less emphasis on presentation and more on daily living and based on input from class members. It will be led by Bob Love and Pastor Lee Phillips.


The Life of Jesus Celebration

Our Life of Jesus Celebration was held Saturday, March 16 and Sunday, March 17.  Much planning happened to make our second celebration new, improved, and pleasing to God.  Over 140 community members attended and over 90 church members participated in making the events so successful.  A special thank you to Vickie Phillips for her vision of this special event and for leading the group to a meaningful, spiritual two days!

“The Class Meeting” Book Study –

Pastor Lee Phillips led a study centered on the book by Kevin M. Watson entitled “The Class Meeting” began on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 5:00 pm for eight weeks. Everyone who oined Pastor Lee in this informative study really enjoyed it. The book is available from AMAZON at $16.95

Vim and Vigor –

Get ready to exercise away those extra holiday pounds!! Vim and Vigor with Vickie will take place each Monday and Wednesday starting January 8 at 4:30 pm. Please join us! Vickie makes it lots of fun!


Princesses of the King

Princesses of the King resumed on February 5, 2024. The time is yet to be announced. When decided, all the dancers will be notified. We hope all our dancers will be present for these meetings.



On January 15, Pat Owens, Janet Sherbert, and Mary Ann Wilkins helped 15 ladies make beautifully ribboned bows and then they used their own imagination to decorate grapevine wreaths. It was so much fun interacting, helping, sticking, sometimes re-doing, and gluing the bows, hearts, flowers, and greenery in place on the wreath. Those that participated also had a homemade noodle soup and cornbread supper to finish off the evening provided by Pat Owens. Keep your ears and eyes open for another class coming soon. It is always a good time and fellowship had by all. 

Altar Flowers –

The new 2024 Altar Flowers Calendar is ready and there are plenty of dates available that need Altar Flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. If you wish to place flowers on the altar, please call the church office. This month January 14, 21, and 28 are available.

January Neighborhood Dinner

January's Neighborhood Dinner at Grace was  held January 25, 2024 from 5-7pm in the Fellowship Hall. The meal was  chicken sandwiches and soup. We had over 80 guests for this meal and served 152 plates! The Union Lions Club offered eye exams to those who requested them while  Access Health and ReGenesis provided information about medical help.  Stephanie Goodale with C4 Ministries and her volunteer team conducted  PIT Counts (Point in Time) to gather data about our homeless population in Union County.  This information will assist the county is seeking funds and resources to better help our neighbors in need.  Please consider helping in whatever way you can. 


Save the Date for VBS 2024

June 12-20 (Mon.-Thurs) 5-8pm

SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS 2024! June 17-20, 2024 (Monday-Thursday) 5:00 – 8:00 PM Invite Kids to Put Their Trust in God! This unique Vacation Bible School program invites children on an exciting journey where they learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings, know God is always with them, and feel confident in sharing the good news of God's love through Jesus Christ. VBS Registration is coming soon!  



Sunday, December 10th, the Chancel Choir  presented “Noel Celebration”, a Christmas Musical by Cindy Berry. Soloists included Bob Love, Sally Summers, and Jackie Weber. Pastor Lee Phillips served as the narrator. Leroy Kennedy participated as voice 1 and Jenny Williams as voice 2. Thank you for this wonderful presentation and to the entire choir for a job well done!

White Christmas Food Boxes

This year we served over 35 families in need. Volunteers filled each White Christmas box with food items received and the purchased hams, fresh fruit, and bread. Many donations were made of  non-perishable food items.  White Christmas deliveries were  made on Thursday morning, December 14th. Thank you to all who helped to make Christmas brighter for these families. 


Dear Grace Church Family,

Thank you for your generous gifts of food items and monetary donations to share the love of Jesus and to help make Christmas brighter for 35 families. With your kindness, we were able to fill 35 boxes and deliver them to each family. These families were very appreciative. Many thanks to our delivery teams who are Jamy Cunningham and Rusty Price, Bob Love, Doug and Freada Rinaca, Curtis and Sonya Dunbar, Billy Jack and Kat Moore, Jack James, Allen and Pat Owens, Jack Rash, Brock Dillard and Sanders Read, and Glenn and Karen Hibbard. As always it takes a village, and Grace is blessed to have a giving and thoughtful one. 

Blessings to all,


Secret Santa's 34th year was a Success!

It truly takes a village to make Grace's Secret Santa ministry as success, but we give special thanks to Brooke and Brad Valentine and Sheryl and Rusty Price who spearhead this effort each year.  Over 170 children were blessed by this ministry.  We thank all the members of Grace and all those within the community who reached out to sponsor a child this year.  You truly make a difference!  


Neighborhood “Christmas” Supper 

On December 14th, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm, a Neighborhood Supper was held with turkey, dressing and gravy, rice, green beans, and macaroni and cheese. After the supper, 5:45 pm, the children performed their musical play “A Country Christmas With A City Twist-Mas!”. The neighbors will received a Christmas gift. are available through the Junior Ushers for volunteering to bring certain food items or to help set-up and clean-up. It was a wonderful and special evening. Many thanks to all volunteers who helped!


GRACE is celebrating 150 years!

We are so excited to be celebrating 150 years of Grace's rich history and good works. A special celebratory event was held on October 29, 2023 where we welcomed all past and present members of Grace to join in this special occasion.  We began our time together with a meet and greet at 9:45am and moved to a wonderful service at 10:30am which included special music, some interesting Grace history from Dr. Charles, an interpretive dance by our young ladies, and a special sermon by Pastor Lee.  All were invited to a luncheon after the service provided by the women of the church with Jack Roper serving as our emcee .   Please join us as we continue to celebrate this joyous celebration of 150 years as a Grace family.  We are always so excited to have you at Grace! 


October was Pastor Appreciation Month!

This is Pastor Lee’s and his wife, Vickie’s third year at Grace and we sure do love having them here. Pastor Lee has served as a Methodist minister for thirty-six years and came to us from Trinity UMC in Aiken, SC. They have four adult children and nine grandchildren. Pastor Lee’s favorite Bible verse is 1 John 3:16. “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” Pastor Lee has been a blessing to Grace and has thoroughly enjoyed his time with us in Union. Both he and Vickie are actively involved in all the functions of the church and have been an amazing source of inspiration for all of us. THANK YOU, Pastor Lee, for all you do. We are so glad to call you one of us, a member of the Grace family. We pray you will continue to inspire us for many years to come.  

Christian Education Day

Christian Education Day was Sunday, August 13, which gives us an opportunity to show our appreciation for GUMC Christian educators and Union County educators as well as to recognize our two rising sixth graders. Our rising sixth graders include Gage Love and Quinton Wilkes. Pastor Lee presented each one with a Bible. We pray these Bibles will stay with them for years to come and give them comfort and assurance as they read them. We also had Back to School Blessing of the Bookbags by Pastor Lee. We like to recognize everyone in any educational capacity - preschool to graduate school, school employees, or board members to please bring your book bag, backpack, or briefcase, etc. and come to the altar when called to be blessed by Pastor Lee. 



Vickie Phillips will be leading an aerobics and Zumba Class on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning September 6, 2023. The time is 4:30 – 5:30 pm each week. If you are interested in joining this class, please sign up on the sheet passed around by the Junior Ushers. Also indicate your time-of-day suggestion and phone number. This will be a great way to get fit!

Congratulations, Graduates!

Graduate Sunday On Sunday, May 21, 2023, we observed Graduate Sunday. We  honored four graduates: Sebastian Fowler (UCHS), Will Balkum (U of SC), Jake McGee (Midlands Technical College), and Grant Berry (Clemson). These proud graduates received Bibles or devotional books during our worship service and then enjoyed a delicious luncheon with their families. We wish each of these young men the very best in their future pursuits. 




We appreciate our Administrative Assistants every day!

 Don’t forget to express your appreciation to Sheryl, Pat, and Karen for the outstanding job they do for Grace and the community! They are such a blessing to our church family as they give generously of their time and talents every day.




Nursing Homes Project Both ProMedica and Ellen Sagar nursing homes are still in need of donated items.  They are well stocked in toiletries. The list of what the residents like best is:  Candy (especially chocolate!), cookies, pork rinds, potato chips, board games, puzzles, adult coloring books, colored pencils, and Word Seach books.  Please help Grace fill bags to go to Ellen Sagar and ProMedica on a regular basis.  They are so appreciative of these gestures of love.  Monetary donations to help purchase these items are also welcome.  Please send donations to Pat Owens.


Interpretative Dance Classes  

Princesses of the King – The 4K-5 th grade interpretive dance class “Princesses of the King” practice on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00 – 5:00 pm with Vickie Phillips


Yoga Class meets Saturday Mornings

Please join us on Saturday mornings beginning March 18, 2023 for a group yoga class in the Grace Fellowship Hall.  Reynard Wood, yoga instructor from "Don't Quit, Get Fit" will be leading the class at 9am each Saturday morning.  Bring a mat and be prepared for a rejuvenating hour of exercise. Cost is $65.00 per individual or $55.00 if signing up with a friend.  Checks can be dropped off at the church by March 15, 2023. Hope to see you there!



There is a need for altar flowers that usually serve for two weeks.  If you'd like to place flowers at the altar, please call the church office at 864-427-1266


BEST OF UNION AWARD 2022 Grace United Methodist Church 

On December 14, 2022, Grace UMC received word that we had been selected as the Winner for the 2022 Best of Union Awards in the category of Places of Worship. The Union Award Program’s purpose is to support and offer public recognition of the contribuons of businesses and organizations in and around Union. Grace is pleased to accept this award and blessed by those who voted for us.


October was Pastor Appreciation Month and we are so blessed to have Rev. Lee Phillips and his wife Vickie at Grace UMC!

Thank you, Pastor Lee, for all the ways you lead and guide our church and for all you do for us. Thank you for being such a great example of living a life of faith. You're a blessing to our church and Grace appreciates your service with Vickie at your side. We are so happy you are a member of our Grace family.

Happy Pastor Appreciation Month and Every Month!🥰💒✝️💖



Epworth Children’s Home Special Workday Offering Sunday, September 10, 2023 will be the annual Epworth Workday Offering. Epworth is currently serving over 350 children and families through their Residential and Independent Living programs, statewide Foster Care program, the Epworth Center for Counseling, the Early Intervention Center, and prevention services, and has been in ministry for 127 years through the support of local congregations. Please be in prayerful consideration of what God is calling you to give to this valuable and life-changing ministry. Epworth does not receive apportionments, and so they have set the goal of each member contributing at least $6 towards supporting their ministry. For more information about Epworth Children’s Home, visit www.epworthchildrenshome.org or find them on social media. 

Blessing Boxes – We now have two Blessing Boxes! They are both being frequently visited so please bring your donations to place in the Blessing Box donation containers at church entrances or to the church office. Please help us keep these boxes supplied for our community members in need.